CLASSICALSOLUTIONS IN QUANTUMFIELD THEORYClassicalsolutions play an important role in quantum ?eld theory, high energyphysics, and cosmology. Real time soliton solutions give rise to particles, such ic monopoles, and extended structures, such as domain walls and cosmicstrings, that have implications for the cosmology of the early universe. Imaginarytime Euclidean instantons are responsible for important nonperturbative e?ects,while Euclidean bounce solutions govern transitions between metastable for advanced graduate students and researchers in elementary par-ticle physics, cosmology, and related ?elds, this book brings the reader up tothe level of current research in the ?eld. The ?rst half of the book discusses themost important classes of solitons: kinks, vortices, and ic monopoles. Thecosmological and observational constraints on these are covered, as are more for-mal aspects, including BPS solitons and their connection with second half is devoted to Euclidean solutions, with particular emphasis onYang–Mills instantons and on bounce j. weinbergis a Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics,Columbia University. Since 1996 he has been Editor ofPhysical Review interests include the implications of solitons and instantons for highenergy physics, cosmology, and black holes, as well as a variety of other topics inquantum ?eld MONOGRAPHS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICSGeneral Editors: P. V. Landsho?, D. R. Nelson, S. WeinbergS. J. AarsethGravitational N-Body Simulations: Tools and AlgorithmsJ. Ambj?rn, B. Durhuus and T. JonssonQuantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory ApproachA. M. AnileRelativistic Fluids and o-?uids: With Applications in Astrophysics andPlasma PhysicsJ. A. de Azc′arraga and J. M. IzquierdoLie Groups, Lie Algebras, Cohomology and SomeApplications in PhysicsO. Babelon, D. Bernard and M. TalonIntroduction to Classical Integrable SystemsF. Bastianelli and P. van Nieuwenhui
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