第 7 卷第 1 期辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版) Vol. 7 ,No. 1
2 0 0 5 年 1 月 Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Social Science Edition) Jan . 2 0 0 5
王兵, 张征
(沈阳师范大学文学院,辽宁沈阳 110034)
摘要《: 史记》是中》研究呈现出喜人的局面。其中
中图分类号: I 206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 - 391X(2005) 01 - 0074 - 03
Comment on QIAN Zhong - shu’s Shi Ji resecerch
WAN G Bing , ZHAN G Zheng
(College of literature , Shenyang Normal University ,Shenyang 110034 ,China)
Abstract : Shi Ji is a first general history of China by chronology.‘Annotation and textual research on Shi Ji’
writted by Q IAN Zhong - shu has been an outstanding representiveness in the field of Shi Ji’s research since
21th. He researched and remarked difficult words and wonderful paragraphs ,elucidated argumentation by some
examples from ancient and modern ,Chinese and foreign on the basis of remark by inspiration. So ,
ments are scattered treasures although they are microanalysis and remarks as reading notes.
Key words : Q IAN Zhong - shu ;Shi Ji ;research
《史记》是一部体大思精的巨著,鲁迅赞曰“: 史考据与归纳并用,具体思索与理性观照并存,蕴涵深
家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”[1 ] 。对它的研究可谓汗牛度与涵盖广度兼顾,充分体现出一位国学大师的学
充栋。自汉至清《, 史记》的研究专著达 101 部,单篇术风范。
论文 1 435 篇。建国以后,研究队伍更是不断壮大,
1 纵横捭阖的考证阐释
论钱钟书的_史记_研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.