陕西省咸阳市泾阳县云阳中学高中英语 Unit1 Friendship阅读导学案新人教版必修1 学习目标: 1. Students improve their reading ability and learn different reading skills. 2. Students understand the text and know Anne’s feelings. 3. Students realize the importance of friends and friendship, value of friendship between friends. 学法指导:扎实掌握本篇阅读的中心句子;与此同时,标出不理解、有疑问的地方,质疑;大声朗读,疯狂记忆,小组成员互相检查;找重点词、关键句理解文章大致内容。如何找主题句或关键句?(1) 顺承式段落多在第一句;(2) 转折式段落常是第二句带有however, but的句子。注重知识的前后联系,形成知识树。(3)使用双色笔标出疑难点,同学们根据自身情况完成不同层次的习题。 预习案【Self-learning 】 【设计意图】体现我学习,我主动,我参与,我收获 A 层 Match the word or expression with its meaning. A. to e quiet after nervous activity … down B. to be worried about got to and worried concerned about take no notice of the dog to do F. free, not tied up G. to take a dog for a walk 探究案【Exploring learning】B层 1. Speak some sayings(谚语)or sing songs about friends and friendship.(P46) do you need friends? List two reasons.
What kind of friends do you like?(至少用3个adj来描绘)
the text quickly and get the main idea of each Paragraph. Paragraph 1( )Paragraph 2( )Paragraph3( )Paragraph 4 ( ) Paragraph 5( ) A:Anne was only able to look at nature through dirty curtains. B: Anne stayed awake until half past eleven in order to have a look at the moon. C: Anne grew so crazy about everything to do with nature. D: Anne’