20 现代临床护理(Modern Clinical Nursing)(1) 儿科护士夜班压力状况调查分析与对策 刘丽平,岳晓燕,邱生林 (四川大学华西第二医院儿科,四川成都,610041 ) [摘要] 目的探讨儿科护士夜班压力状况,并提出对策。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,对112 名儿科护士夜班压 力感和来源进行调查。结果 110 名护士(%)认为夜班工作压力感较强或很大。工作繁重, 人员、物资配备不足和工作 与家庭的矛盾是压力主要来源。结论合理有效配置护理人员,充足物品供给,减少工作冗余环节能有效地降低护士夜班工 作的压力,并能充分调动护士的积极性和创造性,从而提高护理质量。 [关键词] 儿科;夜班;护士;工作压力 [中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1671-8283(2013)01-0020-03 [D O I] .1671-、 Survey on the pressures from night shifts and the countermeasures Liu Liping Yue Xiaoyan,Qiu Shenglin ∥ Modern Clinical Nursing,-2013,12(1):20 [Abstracts] Objective To investigate the pressures from night shifts among nurses from pediatrics department and find the A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the pressures from night shifts among 112 nurses from pediatrics department as well as the 110 of the nurses(%) assumed that the pressures from night shifts was main reasons for the pressures came out of heavy workload,shortage of staff and stuff and the unsettled balance between job and Such measures as reasonable distributions of nurses,abound supply of stuff and reduced working links may be effective for the alleviation of the pressures on nurses at night shifts,motivated activeness in them and then the enhancement of nursing qual