表3 2014年昆明高原国际半程马拉松赛迷你家庭亲子跑报名表 2014Kunming Highland International Half Marathon Mini Parents-children run Entry Form 姓名 Full Name 身份证号
年龄 Age 血型 Blood Group 工作单位 Work Unit 电话 Tel.: 国家/地区 Nationality 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 子女 Children 家庭住址 Home Address 备用联系电话 Alternative Phone Inc 本人声明: 1、我自愿参加2014年昆明高原国际半程马拉松赛,并明白参加此项比赛对健康状况有特殊要求以及潜在的不安全因素。 2、我自觉严格遵守本届比赛大会的所有规定,为参加比赛已做好充分训练和准备,本人已经医疗机构体检,身体健康,有能力参加此活动。愿意承担自身的意外风险责任,并无权向大会对本人在活动中发生或引致的自身意外、死亡或任何形式的损失索赔或追究责任。 3、本人在此比赛中的姓名、照片、声像愿意无偿提供给大会宣传所用。 1. I apply to participate in the 2014Kunming Highland International Half Marathon Race of my own free will, and I am aware of the special requirement for the health condition and potential risks involved in these events. 2. I agree to abide by and follow the rules established by anizing side, and have made full preparation and training for the race. I have gotten a medical checkup from the medical institution and been proved to be health and capable of participating in these events. I voluntarily assume all the risks occurring during the Event and agree that anizing side is no