随着社会主义市场经济的建立和发展,商业呈现出前所未有的繁荣,但与之不相适应的是:在商业企业销售额大幅度上升的情况下,增值税却没有同步增长。作为税收流失最主要的一种形式,偷逃税问题一直是世界各国税收领域所关注的问题。我国自 1994 年税制改革以后,作为主体税种的增值税的偷逃税问题一直比较严重,先后出现了多起利用伪造、倒卖、盗窃、虚开增值税专用发票进行偷税的大案、要案,为此,国家税务总局于 1994 年 3 月开始组织实施以加强增值税管理为目的的“金税工程”。 2003 年年底“金税工程”二期建设基本完成后,利用增值税专用发票偷税得到了一定程度的遏制,但也只解决了发票的防伪问题,并未完全杜绝虚开。此外,随着手工版增值税专用发票的取消,偷逃增值税的手段逐渐转移到隐瞒销售、虚开具有抵扣税款功能的“四小票”上,查处难度进一步加大,仅仅依靠“金税工程”并不能解决所有的增值税的偷逃税问题。因此,在新的历史阶段,有必要研究如何治理及防范增值税的偷逃,这是保障国家财政收入的需要,也是社会主义市场经济健康发展的必然要求。本论文在理论联系实践的基础上,从分析总结我国增值税偷逃税的原因及手段入手,提出了治理和防范增值税偷逃的建议。
With the establishment and the development of the socialist market economy , the enterprise showing unprecedented prosperity , but what does not adapt is at mercial enterprise sales rise dramatically, value added tax have not synchronous growth . Tax evasion has always been on the concentration of tax collecting works.
Early since 1994, Valued-Added-Tax (VAT) has been the main tax of our country. Its evasion has been a severe problem. Therefore, “the Golden Tax Project” which aims at improving the administration of VAT has been putting into practices. After the second span of “the Golden Tax Project”, the making out of mendacious VAT standard invoices has been kept under control. However, it has turned to some more concealed means such as disguising sales e and making use of the four minor invoices. It is necessary to investigate on ways to restrain VAT evasion in order to collect enough revenue and to build a healthy socialism market economy. It starts by analysis on measures of VAT evasion in the new situation. Finally it brings forwards suggestions of avoidance of VAT evasion .
Key Words: Enterprise Valued-Added-Tax (VAT) Tax evasion;Remedies
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毕业论文:对我国偷逃增值税现象的分析 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.