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1 1中1华全科医学 2009 年 7 月第 7 卷第 7 期 Chinese Journal of General Practice, July 2009, Vol 7, No 7 · 777·
1 1 1 1 【医疗卫生管理】
【摘要】目的探讨 ICU护士层级管理模式,以提高护理队伍的整体素质。方法根据 ICU 护士的职称、工作和管
理能力,将各级护士进行分层次管理和使用。结果实施护士层级管理模式后, ICU的基础护理合格率达 100% ,护理文
件书写分值在 98分以上,护士的主观能动性,管理和业务能力均得到进一步的提升。结论护士层级管理模式能优化
【关键词】 ICU;层级管理;护理管理 1
【中图分类号】 R197 R47 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674 4152 (2009) 07 0777 02
Ana lysis of Nurse L evelM anagem en tM odel in ICU YU Gui jian. Intensive Care U nit, People’s Hospital of L uoding, L uoding
527200, Guangdong, China
【Abstract】O bjective To investigate nurse level management model, and imp rove the overall quality of care in ICU.
M ethods ICU nurses at different levels were managed and emp loyed according to the title, position and management capabili
ties. Results The basic nursing passing rate reached 100% , nurses’documentwritten scores beyond 98 points, and management
as well as operational capabilitieswere further imp roved. Conclusion The nurse levelmanagementmodel op tim ized the manage
ment of performance, and effectively imp roved the overall quality of care.
【Key words】 ICU; Level management; Nursing management
层级管理是根据各类人员的管理、业务能力等条件分为不 1 2 3 3 责任护士职责①做好所分管病床患者的动态病情
同级别和层次的标准化和目标管理[1 ] 。 ICU 是各类危重患者观察,根据
ICU 护士层级管理效果分析.pdf 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.