摘要 民法为诸法之源,民法典为仅次于一等民事主体之间的财产关系和人身关系,规范社会的基本生活,保障自然人、法人权利为己任。 民法法典化(Codification)已是今天我国学者们津津乐道的话题。在中国领导人的推动下,民法典的制定已列入立法规划,然而人们更多的是从立法技术角度推崇《德国民法典》,却忽略了《法国民法典》对我国民法典制定的借鉴意义。事实上,《法国民法典》作为近代第一部民法典,其制定过程、立法风格、体例等等对我国民法典的制定都不无借鉴意义。 本文主要从分析1804年法国民法典的制定过程中拿破仑的作用及立法者的价值取向入手,试图得出一些对我国民法典的制定有益的东西。 关键词:拿破仑,立法思想,借鉴 ABSTRACT Civil law is always being regarded as the second most important law because it is the origin of all laws, saves for Constitution law. Civil law aims to the harmony of property relationship and personal relationship between human beings, to the standardization of mon life, and to the protection of legal person’s rights and persons’ rights. Nowadays, the codification of the civil law is ing a hotspot in views of the Chinese legal professors. And Chinese leader has put the codification as a legislation plan with great favorable support. However, many professors prefer the <Code of Germany Civil Law> as the principle reference because of its legislative technique. They seldom think of the <Code of French Civil Law> when d