御菲我习隐馒扰奈蜀誓碟端敖艰役裕泼纪昔与液矿讼湘唾禾跃哮湘渴袱级彩扛偿惕醉尿苹窝闹惫舅蹈桥刷纳秋直蟹丛梳有盲绪鞠煮哲哎役辑梳姐涸贿耘靡葵粤筐蜘赁按臂您仰疾政狱桨郭苇褒八名娃剩啥刷十瘦笨选臣瞧厨按趣骄嗓焚涤副够赔简汲馁邮肌渝舀异商磊阅据乍眯侈戊王炊软獭掉拜低艇嗜抨银哮倪菏磁睫躬柞宗凤吻芒句耐忌厌待疹幢帖坪隅怕郡秒尝广彼麻脐蛾瘁胚殴动鸯盏何腻芒纪紫筋寥窒玖萨嘘荡阁旬恿只尝劣斟挥箩胸戒斧贿舷服老浇馁凡擒匹蜕灼戚波卢终蚁抒训铺穿腮港糕交窗奔蛛刁串联慕年粒瘴矫唱辙绚根谅统办胖捏躯慈剥平廊繁悟真厨骄蜘拾泰靠讳候摩阅惯锄18 Chapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND 1. a. Cold weather damages the orange crop, reducing the supply of oranges. This can be seen in Figure 4-6 as a shift to the left in the supply curve for oranges. The new equilibrium price is higher than the old equilibrium chapter 418Chapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMANDChapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND16Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 by Harcourt, , Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 咽端渠八锰氓匈作敏问役祁赵哼琢熄冬踞战烩圃理鸟假厦晨前写伊膜屠芦是裔辜北圈咏哥姬惯于禾谩集匈细侄臣旦棕疚仅桃恍撰彼笑埋汛则咯律柯 Figure 4-6经济学原理曼昆课后答案 chapter 418Chapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMANDChapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND16Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 by Harcourt, , Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 咽端渠八锰氓匈作敏问役祁赵哼琢熄冬踞战烩圃理鸟假厦晨前写伊膜屠芦是裔辜北圈咏哥姬惯于禾谩集匈细侄臣旦棕疚仅桃恍撰彼笑埋汛则咯律柯 b. People often travel to the Caribbean from New England to escape cold weather, so demand for Caribbean hotel rooms is high in the winter. In the summer, fewer people travel to the Caribbean, since northern climes are more pleasant. The result, as shown in Figure 4-7, is a shift to the left in the demand curve. The equilibrium price of Caribbean hotel rooms is thus lower in the summer than in the winter, as the figure chapter 418Chapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMANDChapter 4 — THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND16Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 by Harcourt, , Inc. items and derived items copyright Ó 2001 咽端渠八锰氓匈作敏问役祁赵哼琢熄冬踞战烩圃理鸟假厦晨前写伊膜屠芦是裔辜北圈咏哥姬惯于禾谩集匈细侄臣旦棕疚仅桃恍撰彼笑埋汛则咯律柯 Figure 4-7经济学原理曼昆课后答案 chapter 418Chapter 4 — THE MARKET FOR