2 01 1年 3 月 Safety and Enviro nm ental Engineering M ar. 2 011 H SE 管理绩效考核在石油钻井企业的成功应用 魏学文 ( 长城钻探工程有限公司井下作业公司, 辽宁盘锦 124107) 摘 要: 本文浅析了 H SE 管理体系起源及其在我国的运行情况, 提出了 H SE 管理绩效考核实施原则和实施办 法, 同时列举了 H SE 管理绩效考核在长城钻探工程有限公司井下作业公司的成功应用, 并指出企业实施 HSE 管 理绩效考核应注意的事项, 可为企业有效控制员工行为安全、提高员工安全意识和技能、提升企业 H SE 管理水平 提供参考。 关键词: 石油钻井; H SE 管理绩效考核; 直线责任; 属地管理 中图分类号: X92 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671 1556( 2011) 02 0085 04 essful Application of HSE Management Appraisal of Performance in the Oil Drilling Enterprise WEI Xue w en ( Dow nhole Ser p any of the G reat Wall Dr illing E ngineering Co. , L td. , P anj in 124107, China) Abstract: Based on the brief analy sis of the orig in and dev elo pm ent of H SE manag em ent, this paper pr opo ses the implementing principles and m easures o f H SE manag ement appraisal of performance. It also lists the essful applicatio n o f H SE manag em ent perform ance appraisal in Dow nhole Service Co mpany o f the Gr eat Wall Dr illing Engineering Co. , Ltd. , and points out m atters needed to pay attention to in the imple m entation o f the evaluation. The paper prov ides r efer ence for enterpr ises to contro l employees behavior, impr ove employees sense and skill o f safety and ascend H SE management lev el of the co mpany. Key words: oil drilling; H SE manag ement appraisal of pe