The Mode of Operation Research about Increase and Decreaseof Urban and Rural Construction and study on the Economic Returns——A Case Study of the Hu countyin Xi’an city Candidate:Shi JiangzhouSupervisor:Prof. Yang ZhiqiangChang’an University, Xi’an, ChinaI摘要近年来,全国各地通过积极开展农村土地整治工作,一定程度上有效保护了耕地;与此同时,一些地方通过城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作促进了新农村的建设、改善了农民生产生活条件、提高了土地集约节约利用水平、拓展了城乡经济发展的空间。但是,我们在工作推进过程中也出现一些亟需规范的问题:一是维护农民权益重视程度不够高,在确定村庄拆旧、建新和集居规模时,对耕作半径、畜禽养殖、居住成本等实际情况中关于农民意愿的考虑不够充分;二是极个别地方政府片面追求建设用地周转指标的分配;三是收益分配不够明确,挂钩项目基本由市、县自行确定搬迁补偿标准,差异较大,收益分配方式和分配比例的确定在区域间差距较大。本文首先从理论出发,对城乡建设用地增减的相关理论进行较为全面、系统的梳理。其次对城乡建设用地增减挂钩实施现状进行简略介绍以及对相关试点实施经验进行总结。然后运用实证研究方法,分别对草堂基地的地理位置、自然条件、社会经济概况、土地利用权属调查、城乡建设用地空间布局与利用现状等概况进行简单介绍,进一步对拆旧区土地复垦与潜力、建设用地集约利用水平挖潜水平、建新区符合规划情况、公众支持条件进行分析,阐述项目实施的必要性。然后对草堂基地增减挂钩项目区实施方案进行设计。最后由于生态效益与社会效益无法直观估算,故建立相应模型,测算草堂基地增减挂钩实施经济效益可行性。关键词:土地整治、增减挂钩、经济效益IIAbstractInrecently years,various regions effectively protecting the cultivated land through controlling the rural through control the number of hook test,improve the rural production andliving conditions,the level of intensive utilization of lands and expend the space of urban and rural economic we also clearly see that there are numbers of problems in the processing of this , a few local governments one-sided pursuit of turnover of construction land indexes;Second,the attention degree towards the farmers’will and rights is still not determining the scale of the breaking villages and reconstruction areas,it is less sufficient to consider the elements about the radius of farming,livestock and poultry breeding and cost of ,the e distribution is not standard,the related projects’relocation compensation standards are determined by the local ,there are big differences fromeach artical first embarks from the theories and make a comprehensive andsystematic carding about
城乡建设用地增减挂钩方案与经济效益分析--_--以西安市户县草堂基地为例 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.