Overview of Environmental Impact AssessmentOverview of EIAThe BasicsWho Sets the standards?Why do an E(SH)IA?Where does it fit in development planning?Where does it fit in regulatory structures?Stakeholder Engagement and mon ProblemsSummary: What People WantThe BasicsEverything and everyone has an impactImpacts can be evaluated and predictedEIA is the process by which impacts are reduced to an Acceptable levelThe art is to define what is AcceptableAn Environmental Statement documents the process by which this has been achievedEIA DefinitionThe International Association For Impact Assessment (IAIA) definition:“The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals priorto major decisions being taken mitments made.”International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)EIA Best Practice PrinciplesPrinciples of EIA Best Practices The Principles consist of:A Definition of EIA The Objectives of EIABasic Principles applying to all stages of the EIA processOperating Principles describing how the Basic Principles should be applied to the main steps and specific activities of the EIA process?Screening?Scoping?Identification of impacts?Assessment of alternativesOperating PrinciplesObjectivesDefinitionObjectives of EIA?To ensure that environmental considerations are explicitly addressed and incorporated into the development decision making process?To anticipate and avoid, minimize or offset the adverse significant biophysical, social and other relevant effects of development proposals?To protect the productivity and capacity of natural systems and the ecological processes which maintain their function?To promote development which is sustainable and optimize resource use and