关键词:北京影像艺术市场;影像画廊;影像拍卖专场;影像博览会;影像藏家 I ABSTRACT Beijing photo art market, which has experienced development of more than 20 years, has already begun to take shape and now been in a healthy development. At present, academic research in this area is scarce, and this paper attempts to explore and open up this field of research. This paper describes the history and background of the photo art market in Beijing. The technology, the market standard, market type and performance of Beijing photo art market works are investigated. Internal and external factors which affected Beijing's photo art market are analyzed. Problems existing in the development of photo art market are identified, and their countermeasures and suggestions are offered. This article uses literature and data analysis and research method which includes site visits, questionnaires and interviews research method.
Key words: Beijing photo art market; Photo gallery; Photo special auction; The photo art fair; Photo collectors II 目录 摘要................................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. II 目录.............................................................................................................................. III 第一章绪言..................................