?版权所有不得复制。丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司。Copyright Motor (China) Investment Co., Identity Manual for China MarketStationery & Business Forms Templates09 ?2005?版权所有不得复制。丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司。Copyright Motor (China) Investment Co., 。各文仪用品及运营表格范本的正稿均拷录在此光盘內。文仪用品的正稿均采用Adobe Illustrator ;而运营表格的则采用FreeHand 。所有范本正稿的电腦档案应由专业人员处理,以更换相关的资料及执行往后的制作事宜。范本的详细应用方法应参考LEXUS 雷克萨斯中国市场品牌规范手册。本光盘末的索引详细列出所有文仪用品和运营表格及其于光盘内相关的电腦档案名称,以方便参考。如对本光盘有任何问题,请与丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司LEXUS雷克萨斯部联系。?版权所有不得复制。丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司。Copyright Motor (China) Investment Co., this CD is a new set of templates for stationery and business forms produced for the Lexus Dealers in China. The artworks for the stationery and business forms are contained in the CD. The artworks of the stationery items are prepared in Adobe Illustrator version and for business forms items are prepared in FreeHand artworks should be handled by professional users in order for replacement of related information and subsequent productions. Detail application methods of the templates should be referred to the Lexus Brand Identity Manual for China the end of this CD will be index pages listing the stationery and business forms itemswith corresponding file names for ease of any questions you may have with this CD, please contact Lexus Division of TMCI.?版权所有不得复制。丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司。Copyright Motor (China) Investment Co., Templates?版权所有不得复制。丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司。Copyright Motor (China) Investment Co., pliments Slip传真首页Facsimile Cover信纸(首页)Letterhead (1st Sheet)信纸(次页)Letterhead (2nd Sheet)信封(九号封)Brown Envelop信封(五号封)Envelop (DL)参考范本ReferenceTemplate新闻稿Press Release参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemplate参考范本ReferenceTemp