Intel Confidential — Do Not ForwardEmbeddedSolutionsSmart SustainableCities ITU-ontevideo, March E. VolpiLAR TechnologyTeam= BusinessTransformation50BDevices2020115BDevices2015 2BDevices2006*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. > ComputeEconomics+ UbiquitousConnectivity+ Big Data AnalyticsToday 85% of deployed systems are unconnected, do not share data with each other or the cloud. And new devices are being added every 2Collect Data 3 Analyze 4 of of of ThingsOpportunityEmbedded of of of Things“Make everything smart”Intel provides end to end IoT Solutions so thatyou can quickly Connect, Manage, andProtect your devicesOur Open, Scalable, and Reliable platformsdeliver state of the art technology fromtrusted product lines such as Quark, Atom,Intel Security, Wind River, and moreCreate Value through our high performance Analytics to realize the benefits of IoT by focusing on what is important to your business:?Reducing costs?Improving productivity?Increasing growthBusiness TransformationEfficiency and TCO ? New Services$Embedded Solutions4Things> XMM Modem product line> Kendrick Peak> Quark processor> I210 of of of ThingsIntelhas industry leading products spanning from devices to the cloud, enabling rapid deployment of end to end IoT SolutionsGateway> Wind River Intelligent Device Platform> Moon Island Intel