Novel Polymeric Chelating FibersforSelective Removal of Mercury andCesium from Water用于选择性去除水中汞和铯的新型高分子螯合纤维?author :C H U N Q I N G L I U , Y O N G Q I N G H U A N G ,N A T H A N I E L N A I S M I T H , A N DJ A M E S E C O N O M Y ?years:Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 4261-4268something about the thesis Abstract:?We report here the synthesisandcharacterization of twonew classes of chelating fibers, namely:?(1) polymercaptopropylsilsesquioxane(巯聚倍半硅氧烷)?(PMPS) and?(2) copper(II)Ferrocyanide(亚铁氰化铜) complexed with poly[1-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyl]silsesquioxane (聚[1 - (2 - 氨基乙基)-3- 氨基丙基]硅倍半氧烷)(Cu-FC-PAEAPS) fibers. ?These fibers were evaluated for selective removal of traceamount of mercury and cesium ions respectively in thepresence peting metal ions from water翻译:?通过分别跟踪存在竞争金属离子的汞离子和铯离子的水溶液来评价它们的去离子能力。? These novel materials are extremely efficient in removing low concentrationsof mercury and cesium ions from water in the presenceof high concentrations of sodium or potassium ions. 翻译:?这些新型材料在从高浓度的钠离子或钾离子溶液中除去低浓度的汞和铯离子方面是非常有效的。?Theywere shown to remove trace mercury and cesiumcontaminants effectively to well below parts per billionconcentrations under a variety of :?他们可以在远低于十亿分之一各种条件的浓度下有效除去痕量汞和铯污染物。Introduction:?Mercury pollution has been identified as a serious problemat waste-contaminated sites