On the Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Culturally Bound Expressions Liu Runze As Partial Requirements For the Bachelor’s Degree of Arts in English Supervised by Ms. Yang Chunli The School of Foreign Languages Zhengzhou University May 27, 2012 浅析中国特色语的英译 摘要 近年来,中国在世界之林迅速崛起。学习并发扬中国文化已势在必行。毋庸置疑,翻译作为跨文化交际中的一个重要工具,在文化学习和发扬中扮演着重要的角色。这篇论文以中国特色语的英译为研究中心。其着重点有两个方面:其一,中国特色语英译过程中常用的方法;其二,中国特色语英译过程中不可避免的文化缺失。前者基于大量的文献参考,对常用的方法进行概括性的论述,而后者则对中国特色语的英译进行了更深层次的挖掘,并提出了几项弥补中国特色语英译过程中文化缺失的方法。此研究的最终目的是为了鞭策广大译者以严谨的姿态面对中国特色语的翻译,以求最大程度地减少中国特色语英译过程中的文化缺失。 关键词:跨文化交际;中国特色语;文化缺失 On the Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Culturally Bound Expressions
Abstract The rising of China in the munity necessitates the study of its indigenous cultures. Translation, generally acknowledged as an effective instrument in cross-munication, plays a pivotal role in this regard. The Chinese-English translation of Chinese culturally bound expressions forms the kernel of this paper, with emphasis on two parts, namely, the methodology and cultural losses in the translation in question. The former is no more than a presentation of the facts based on a wide range of researches while the latter explores the dilemma that more often than not confounds the translators in the rendering. Several possible remedies to this problem will be further presented with the view to minimizing cultural losses and facilitating munication between China and the rest of the world. Key Words: cross-munication; Chinese culturally bound expressions; cultural loss Acknowledgements My deep gratitude goes to Ms. Yang Chunli, my tutor, without whose help I would not have been able to go this far with my paper. Her academic rigor and patience in the revision is very much admirable. I also wish to pay