1???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?ZHENG MA???????? ?????????????????????????????!"#$%&?'The ACS Style Guide(The Elements of Style?)*+?!,-????.%? ??/? 012?345"6789:;?<??=>!,&???@-A9:0D%?EFGHB?",IJ%#@(IJ%KL&?MN>O",PQRS???.%&??Wiley9TU9T%The Arts of Scientific Writing?<?>;*VWOX?YZ[\?V:]^O?_`O“IJ”%?.#@?B??abOcd_efg_ehijk_lmn_oe?_p_q$:?r!,st_%u^v$wOxy?z?'??{|4%}~?"5?????%??:????Z?7?Z??)??IJ%#***@7??????????'?Is this research new? ?Are the data important and interesting? ?What is the point here??Since there are already a lot of papers, then why should we report our current work? ?Can the data sufficiently support the conclusions? ?Are the conclusions consistent with what was reported in the literature?!,?????hijk_'??hiq?N???????;??YZ???????%?????%??(?5%???YZ????Z?“hi???¢”£?O????l?{o%k¤¥|??!§critical thinking?¨??aw>??%}~_`t_-?_?ˉ°%±2G"?r?3v′"μ?{:?·?ˉ?71?'???5?No??!????àZ?YZ!μ?{B?o??á%?????%????;*è%???B???;é%ê?#@?B??%ìí??D???/ò?ìí??D??ó?0ó??àZ?×?YZù#?The ACS Style Guide (Third Edition)p. 28. "What is the function or purpose of this manuscript? Are you describing original and significant research results? Are you reviewing the literature? Are you providing an overview of the topic? Something else?"How is your work different from that described in other reports on the same subject?"What is the best format for publishing this manuscript--as a journal article, book, or book chapter? If you choose a journal article, which journal is most appropriate?"2?¨?%??0?r??%ú?????%?{????ü?Y?r>Tú???'?Why should the reader read my paper? ?Why should people care about our research? ?How can our research benefit others' research? ?What can be done next by others based on our results? ?Whatquestions will the reader have? If so, then how can we better write our paper to make the points clearer to the reader?!§??#@??àáa?n%??#@"?'a?nGè?¨?%0??????????YZ¨????YèB?????éê??,5?ì?:é?n?í?wOYZ?%?e??????òéê:+?ó?%?????÷??%?n(éê%????%5a?n7?+!?ùtú?/zà?ü?éêüy;??t?9??????%e#@_%???!?éê?1????l?!#$%#@_?????_9T
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