智能交通大数据来自何方,归谁所有? Where Do Intelligent Traffi c Data Come From ? Whom Do The y All Belon g to? 2014 年9月14日起,上海市开始进行第5次交通调查。上一次交通调查在200 9年进行的, 至今已过去5年。 FromSeptember 14, 2014, Shanghai city start edthe 5th traffic surve traf fic su rvey in Shanghai was conduct edin2009. Sofar, it hasbeenpastfor5 years. 5年来,上海的私人小汽车增加了91%,轨道交通的客运量增加了 90%。公共交通与私人交通之间正在进行一场博弈。 Overthe past 5yea rs, Shanghai's private carshave increas edby91%, andthe rail transit passe nger volume has increased by90%. Agame between public tran sport and private trans port isunde rway. 。若每个家庭平均人口以4人计算, 将涉及30万人。 Thistime, the traff ic investi gation will prepare to investi gate upto75,000 homes. Ifthe average popul ation per family iscal culated as4 people, upto300,0 00peo ple wo uldbe involved. 上海目前常住人口为240 0万人, 也就是说,通过实际调查, 我们可以了解大约1/80上海市民的交通行为。 Atpres ent, Shanghai resi dent populat ionhave24million people, that istosay,through theinv estiga tion, wecan learn thetra ffic actions ofabout 1/80Shanghai reside nts. 在大数据和云计算时代, 我们能否做得更有效率? Canwedomore effi ciently in the era ofbig data puti ng? 上海共有 400万张交通卡,每天大约能产生3200万个数据, 其中包括每张交通卡进出地铁闸机的时间与地点,There are a total of 4 million traf fic cards in Shangh ai, and each day they can produce up to 32 million data, includ ing the time and locati ons of every card ’s getting in a nd out of the subway turns tiles. 据此可了解上海轨道交通客流的路径分布。Accordin g to thi s data , the distribution ofShanghai Rai l Transi t passenge r flow paths could belearned about. 上海大约有5万辆出租汽车,根据GPS及测速装置, 就可了解道路交通的客流分布、拥堵路段及其拥堵程度。 There areabout 50,000 taxis inShan ghai. Accord ingto theGPS and speed measuri ng device, you can learn about the distrib ution ofthe road traffic passe nger flow, congested roads and congestion levels. 据此可为汽车驾驶员提供实时指路服务,以最大限度地缓解拥堵。 Therea l-timedire ctions services could beprovided for drivers accor dingly, soasto easethe cong estion tothe greatest degree.
智能交通大数据来源分析与数据归属讨论 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.