.页眉. .页脚. 丁字湾物质输运及水交换能力研究孙英兰张越美( 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程研究院,青岛 266003) 摘要通过建立丁字湾三维潮流模式、污染物输运模式计算了该湾 COD 浓度分布,定量分析了丁字湾的水交换能力,较为精确地计算出丁字湾内水交换率和水交换半更换期的空间分布。计算结果表明, 当湾中部水交换 50% 时, 湾口水交换达 80% , 湾底仅为 20% ~ 40% ;丁字湾湾口的半更换期为 1~ 5d ,湾中部为 18~ 20d ,湾顶为 24~ 32d 。关键词丁字湾; 数值模型; 水交换; 半更换期中图法分类号 文章编号 1001-1862(2003)01-001-06 A Numerical Model of Pollutant Transport and Seawater Exhange in Dingzi Bay Sun Yinglan Zhang Yuemei (Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266003,China ) Abstract The sea water exchange capacity of Dingzi Bay is quantitatively analysised by using a numerical model including a three-dimensional tidal model and a pollutant transport model. By putation, this model gives the distribution of sea water exchange rate and semi-exchange period in Dingzi Bay with higher precision. The results show that the exchange rate is about 20% ~ 40% in the head of the bay ,80% in the mouth and 50% in the middle . The semi-exchange period is 24~ 32d in the head ,18 ~ 20d in the middle, while it is1~ 5d in the mouth area. Key words Dingzi Bay; numerical model; seawater exchange; semi-exchange period 渤海多年月平均温盐场的季节变化特征及形成机制的初步分析刘哲1魏皓1 蒋松年 2 (1 中国海洋大学,青岛 266003 ; 2 国家海洋信息中心,天津 300029) 摘要根据 1970~1996 年渤海观测资料的各月平均值,绘制大面、 °N 断面分布图与典型海域的季节变化图,进而概述渤海的温盐场特征,并探讨其成因,更好地为研究渤海环境变异提供高分辨率的平均场。研究表明,渤海温盐度对气候因子、径流量变化等因素响应很快,大约滞后 1 个月左右,具有明显的季节特征。外强迫、岸形和地形所共同诱导的海水平均环流,是形成其水平分布和季节变化的决定因素之一。关键词渤海;温盐场;水平分布;垂向分布;季节变化中图法分类号 文章编号 1001-1862(2003)01-007-08 Characteristics of Seasonal Variation of Monthly Mean Temperature and Salinity Fields in the Bohai Sea and Analysis of the Related Dynamics Liu Zhe1 Wei Hao1 Jiang Songnian2 (1 Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China) (2 National Marine Data & Information Service, Tianjin 300029, China) Abstract Based on the survey data from 1970 to 1996 in the Bohai Sea, the distributions .页眉. .页脚. of hydrographic factors are plotted for the whole area and for the section of ° N;also plotted are their
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