also been investigated for other radii of curvature (fig. S11). Because of the relatively large thick- ness of the SGVPT device (mainly contributed by the polyethylene terephthalate substrate, which is 500 mm thick), the saturation of SGVPT re- sponse under high pressure (as shown in Fig. 2C), and the constraints of the measurement setup (., limited vertical movement of probes), the SGVPT array is unable to sense the change in device shape and further distinguish the applied pressure when the radius of curvature is smaller than 30 to 35 mm(Fig. 4C). The detectable range of shape deformation (and of the corresponding shape-adaptive sensing) can be improved by en- gineering the device into pliant form to reduce the strain induced in the SGVPT as a result of changes in device shape (fig. S12). ASGVPTarray was repeatedly bent to a very small radius of curvature (15 mm, as shown in fig. S13) at a frequency of 2 Hz to simulate ac- celerated aging. Metrology mapping was then performed on the array and plotted parison with that of the device before the cyclic bending. No obvious degradation in SGVPT array opera- tion could be observed even after 1000 cycles of bending, suggesting good reliability and stability in device operation. The SGVPTdevices described above can func- tion as active and self-powered tactile sensors by directly converting applied mechanical actuations into elect