中文摘要离婚精神损害赔偿制度是我国《婚姻法》中新增加的制度,是旨在保护离婚无过错方合法权利的一项权利救济制度,是现代婚姻家庭立法的大势所趋。如何适用和完善这一制度为理论界所关注。文章试图从建立离婚精神损害赔偿制度的必要性、离婚精神损害赔偿的功能、配偶权之争、第三人、过失相抵、立法完善等诸环节就离婚精神损害赔偿制度作一深入探讨,以有益于该制度的完善与操作。本文第一章是离婚精神损害赔偿的概述。介绍了离婚精神损害赔偿的概念、性质、特征、功能、国外关于离婚精神损害赔偿的立法概况、我国离婚精神损害赔偿制度的现状等。第二章探讨离婚精神损害赔偿制度中若干有争议的问题。首先是配偶权之争,包括配偶权的概念、忠实义务、同居义务等;其次,是“第三者”民事责任问题,是否应对第三者课以民事责任是婚姻法修改时论争的焦点,笔者认为,追究第三者的法律责任缺乏现实基础。从现实上来看,第三者问题广泛而且复杂,第三者概念模糊难以界定。因此,不应在离婚精神损害赔偿制度中追究第三者的民事责任;再次,是离婚精神损害赔偿的适用情形是否应扩大,是否适用“过失相抵”原则,是否须以离婚为要件, 抚慰金请求权人范围问题等。第三章提出完善离婚精神损害赔偿制度的建议,主要包括举证责任问题、抚慰金赔偿标准的确立。关键词:精神损害, 配偶权,第三者,过失相抵,赔偿标准 Abstract The institution pensation for damages indivorce isnewly incorporated intheMarriage LawofthePeople’S Republic aremedy system that can be used to protect the legal rights of unblameable lawful spouse in a divorce case according to the marriage law and has e all important issue inmodern marriage andfumi to apply and consummate this institution has been concerned by the theoretical circles. This article undertakes to probe into thiS institution in terms of the necessity to establish this institution,functions of the institution,the debate about consortium,a third party,fault counteraction,perfections of legislation,etc,SO as to improve the operability of the institution。 The first chapter is a sulmnary about the institution of pensation for damages in divorce, including its concept,quality, character,function,a survey of the external legislations about this institution and the its actual ity inChina. The second chapter discuses several issues inthis . the author probes into the debate about consortium,including the concept of consortium,duty of chastity and duty of cohabitation,etc:secondly,the author researches the civil liability of a third of the points at issue about the amendment toMarriage Law is that whether acivil 1iability should beimposed upon athird author believes the viewpoint that a third party should be investigated under the
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