华中科技大学硕士学位论文 I 摘要传统建筑装饰是中国建筑文化的精华部分,如何继承和汲取这些深厚文化,开拓出一条既具有时代精神,又不失传统特色的现代更新的应用方法,已成为我们要努力探索的一个课题。本文正是在这种文化背景下,通过对苏庄传统建筑装饰的分析,阐述了传统建筑装饰文化进行更新应用的特殊性和必要性,并结合实例,对环境艺术设计在历史文化村镇保护与更新中的导入方法和应用方式进行了实践性的探讨。全文共分为 7 章。第一章是绪论部分,主要针对选题背景、研究意义、相关概念、研究现状及方法进行简单概括。第二章是针对苏庄传统建筑概况进行分析和研究,分析了自然环境和社会历史要素与传统建筑特色形成的关系,重点的阐述了传统建筑的院落形式和建筑装饰构成要素。第三章是将苏庄传统建筑装饰中所蕴含的文化特质总结归类,提炼出文化美感与神韵。第四章是对苏庄传统建筑装饰艺术现状进行分析,从色彩、工艺、建筑装饰细部元素展开论述,为建筑装饰在环境艺术更新中的应用提供设计原型。第五章是根据分析国内外相关案例,总结实践经验,为苏庄传统建筑装饰文化在环境艺术更新中的应用提供新的方法和思路。第六章和第七章重点阐述了环境艺术设计在历史文化村镇保护与更新中的导入设计特征和方法,深入的分析了传统建筑装饰更新设计的意义,并结合实例对传统建筑语汇的转换手法和表达方式进行了一些探讨。结语部分总结了课题研究的成果及尚待深入研究的问题。本文对传统建筑装饰的文化特质和装饰构件艺术进行了综合层面上的研究,希望通过对其现代表述方式的探讨,能为历史文化村镇的现代建筑外部更新和景观空间环境的创造提供一些新的语汇、方法和途径。关键词: 建筑装饰、文化特质、导入、现代表述、语汇、方式华中科技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Traditional architectural decoration is the essence of Chinese architectural to inherit and ab sorb these profound culture, and how to find a renewal modern way of spirit of the era that does not break the traditional characteristic are the topic we strive to explore. This is where the background of this article based analysis of traditional architectural deco ration in Suzhuang expounds the traditional architectural culture and update the particularity and the necessity. According to the examples of environmental art design,the hi storical and cultural villages in the conservation and renewal of introductory methods and application methods of practicality are dicussed. Text is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction s ection, mainly aiming at the background and significance of the research, the related concepts and the research status and simple method. In the second chapter, Suzhuang’s traditiona l architecture is analyzed and studied, as well as the analysis of the na tural environment and the social and historical factors and the traditional architectural features of ar ticle focuses on the expounding of the courtyards and traditional architecture
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