本文设计了一个基于python开发图像采集器,该设计经过一般USB数字摄像头来捕捉和获取实时图像,利用linux系统下python脚本中Opencv图像处理模块和Huigui摄像头识别模块实现了采集图像信息并对图像信息进行分析功效,该设计含有可靠性高、灵活稳定、低成本特点,基于python开发图像采集器将采集到数据输入到python脚本进行分析处理,并从外部引入C编程,依据不一样处理结果,系统将会调用不一样C程序,从而实现对ppt翻页。本文系统介绍了用python开发图像采集器基础满足设计要求。 关键词:图像采集器;Python语言;Python C扩展;混合语言编程 Development the image acquisition based on python ABSTRACT Design one based on python development of image capture device, the design by ordinary USB digital camera head to capture and access to real-time image using python script in linux system Opencv image processing module and Huigui camera head identification module to achieve the capture image informationand image information analysis function, the design has high reliability, flexible and stable, low-cost, will be collected based on the the python development of image acquisition data input to a python script analysis and processing, from the outside to the introduction of the C programming, depending on the processing results, the system will call the C program, in order to achieve the next page of ppt. We introduce the basic meet the design requirements with the the python development of image acquisition. Key words:Image acquisition;Python;Python C extension;Mixed-language programming 目 录 1 序言 1 2 Python语言介绍 3 Python语言介绍 3 2 Python语言特征 4 3 设计思绪和编程 5 设计思绪 5 设计步骤图 5 编程 6 Opencv模块引用 6 Highgui模块引用 6 Image模块引用 6 Os模块引用 6 python和C混合编程接口问题 6 4 功效和可行性分析 9 5 结论 11 参考文件 12 致谢 13 附录 14 1 引 言 信息和网络技术飞速发展, 使得图像信息量激增,大家对检索图像信息需求也日益增加。作为一个纯面向对象动态脚本语言, python 已经在网络应用软件、系统配置软件及科学研究领域取得了广泛使用,所以本文介绍了一个基于Pytho