绵阳师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目 Art of Questioning in English Teaching 论英语课堂提问艺术专业英语院系外国语学院学号080 3420210 姓名刘益琼指导教师宋红英副教授答辩时间二0一二年四月论文工作时间: 2011 年5月至 2012 年4月论英语课堂提问艺术学生姓名:刘益琼指导老师:宋红英摘要:语言是交流的工具,英语教学不是一种输入或输出的方式,也不是一种传递的方式。学生必须能独自思考,说出和写下所学的东西。这就是英语教学的实用特征。提问是完全体现这种特征的重要方式之一,为了完善这一特征的重要性,教师们通过提问来启发和激发学生。中学生老是被教师叫起来,但是回答不上问题。除了学生自己的知识水平,问题的难易程度之外,教师提问的技巧和质量也有很大关系。在传统意义上, 提问已经被看作教师说话的一部分和有效的课堂教学的核心部分。提问是教师用来激发学生思考和让学生意识到他们的目标的基本手段,因此提问在外语学习过程中扮演一个重要的角色。本文将首先介绍教师提问的定义,特征,类型,然后介绍英语课堂互动中出现的一些问题,英语课堂上教师提问应尊循的一些原则,最后介绍有效的英语提问技巧。关键词:英语教学;教师提问;提问技巧 A rtof Questioning in English Teaching Undergraduate: Liu Y iqio ng Supervisor: Song Hon g ying Abstract: A language isa tool of munication. English teaching is really not a way to input or output; it isnot a way of transmission. Students must personally think, speak, and write what they are taught, which is the practical feature of English teaching. Questioning isone of important methods which embody this pletely. Teachers apply asking questions to enlighten and stimulate students in order to perfect this vital importance. Students who are in middle schools are asked but always donot give answers. Except for learners ’ own quality and degree of difficulty of questions, it is connected with teachers ’ quality of asking questions. Teachers ’ questioning has traditionally been viewed as an important constituent of teachers ’ talk and the core of effective teaching in classroom context, questioning is the basic means used by teachers to challenge students to think and help students to realize their desired goals, thus play a key role in the foreign language acquisition. This paper will first introduce the definition, the features of teachers ’ questioning and types of teachers ’ questioning, then introduce the rules for teachers putting forward questions, it will also give some practical suggestions, focusing on good questions, wait - time, feedback and allocations. Key Word s: English teaching; teachers ’ questioning ; questioning techniques Co
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