■出入境管理法实行规则[第 17 号样式] 签证发给申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA <申请表填写方法>?申请人须以事实为根据,并将在以下空格处完整记载。?申请人必须用中文或英文填写以下申请表。?在相关选项的“[]”内打钩。?如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容。<How to fill out this form> ? You must fill out this pletely and correctly. ? You must write in block letters either in English or Korean. ? For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply. ? If you select ‘ Other ’, please provide us with more information in the given space. / PERSONAL DETAILS PHOTO 护照规格照片(35 ㎜× 45㎜)6 个月内拍摄的正面免冠彩色相片,相片背景颜色须为纯白色 A color photo taken within la st6 months(full face without hat, front view against whit e or off-white background) 护照上的英文姓名/Full name in English (as shown in your passport) 姓 Family Name 名 Given Names 中文姓名漢字姓名 性别 Sex 男/Male[ ]女/Female[ ] 出生日期 Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd) 国籍 Nationality 出生国 Country of Birth 身份证号码 National Identity No. 过去访韩时是否使用过其他姓名 Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea? 否 No [√]是 Yes []→选择‘是’选项时填写详细内容。 If‘ Yes ’ please provide details (姓 Family Name 名 GivenName ) 是否双重国籍 Are you a citizen of more than one country ?否 No [√]是 Yes [] →选择‘是’选项时记载详细内容。 If‘ Yes ’ please write the countries () 领馆审核栏 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ???????????? 30D ???????? S?D?M ????????????????????????????????????[]?[] ????><邮票粘贴处>< ???????> B/L: ?????:??????:???:????:??: 2. 签证发给认定书签发信息(反签号) / DETAILS OF VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION ※仅限于在大韩民国出
签证申请表(新)资料 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.