个人简历 pers on al?resume Photo 照片 Name 姓名: Race: 民族: Han 汉族 Gen der: 性别 male Date of birth: 出生日期: February 1990 1990 年2月 Place of Birth: Wuhan, Hubei Provinee 出生地点: 湖北省武汉市 Graduated from : Hubei Highest Educati on: Bachelor 最高学历: 本科 Fi ne Arts In stitute 毕业院校: 湖北美术学院 Major: Landscape design and art design 专业: 景观设计、艺术设计 Mobile : 电话: Email: 邮箱: Lan dscape Desig n: Cross-i ntegrati on with the pla nning, ecology, geography and in other discipli nes, have differe nt meanings discipli nes, "La ndscape Desig n" (also known Architecture) refers to the architectural design or the planning and design process, elements of the surrounding as differe nt Landscape en vir onment con sider the overall desig n, in cludi ng n atural eleme nts and huma n eleme nts. Con struct ion (group) echoes the relati on ship with the natural environment, make their use more convenient, more comfortable and improve their overall artistic value. ? 景观设计: Major Summary 专业概要 与规划、生态、地理等多种学科交叉融合,在不同的学科中具有不同 的意义,"景观设计"(又叫做景观建筑学)是指在建筑设计或规划设计的过 程中,对周围环境要素的整体考虑和设计,包括自然要素和人工要素。使 得建筑(群)与自然环境产生呼应关系,使其使用更方便,更舒适,提高 其整体的艺术价值。 ? Art desig n: Art design is an independent artistic disciplines, its content and services object different from the traditional disciplines of the arts. Art desig n is the subject of a highl