滇池流域农业固废现状调查及其对滇池水质影响的.docx滇池流域农业固废现状调查及其对滇池水质影响的 科类:理科 本科生毕业论文 滇池流域农业尚废现状调查及其对滇池水质影响的 模拟研究 The Simulation Study of Dianchi Lake Basin rural solid Waste and present situation investigate on for the Impact of Water Quality 滇池流域农业I古I废现状调查及其对滇池水质影响的 模拟研究 摘要:通过滇池流域农业周废现状调查,农业周废是滇池水污染的潜在污染源,为了科 学估算滇池流域花卉蔬菜秸秆中TN、TP污染负荷量,本文选择流域内六种代表性的农业 周体废弃物,研究其对滇池水质的影响。结果表明,在相同水平的秸秆投加量卞,其TN、 TP负荷量在秸秆投入水中约45犬和30天左右均达到最大值,其中花卉秸秆在水体中 TN、TP的总释放量明显高于蔬菜秸秆。对不同水平的秸秆投加量做线性冋川分析得知,水 体TN、TP含量与秸秆投加量均成显苦正相关。然后得到花卉、蔬菜秸秆进入滇池水后的 最大潜在污染负荷量分别为:花卉秸秆的TN污染负荷为54. 11 g・kg-1, TP污染负荷为 23. 19 g • kg-1;蔬菜秸秆的TN污染负荷为41. 16 g・kg~l, TP污染负荷为13. 56 g • kg- lo随意弃置堆放的花卉蔬菜秸秆对滇池水体可能存在的潜在面源污染负荷TN、T卩极大值 分别为 12815. 43t 和 5290. 51t。 关键词:农业固废;滇池流域;现状;氮;磷;水质 The Simulation Study of Dianchi Lake Basin rural solid IWaste and present situation investigation for the Impact of Water Quality (College of Resource and Environment ,Yunnan Agriculture University, Kunming 650201,China) Abstract: Agricultural solid waste through the I)ianchi Lake Basin Survey . The straw of rural solid Waste are potential sources of water pollution in Dianchi Lake, six representative straws of rural solid Waste were selected to scientific estimate the TN, TP pollution load of Dianchi Lake Basin straw of rural solid Waste and study impact on water quality of Dianchi Lake. The resuIts showed that TN, TP load reached the maximum around 30 to 45 days at the same level of straw into Dianchi Lake, which flower strow significdntly higher than the vegetable strow in the water TN, TP the total release . Linear regression analysis of different inputs levels of straw indicated that, Dianchi Lake TN, TP concentration dnd inputs levels of straw is a significant positive correlation. The biggest potential pollution load of the straws of flower and vegetable into the Dianchi Lake are as follows: the TN Pollution load of flower straw is g • kg-1, TP pollution load is 23. 19 g • kg-1; the TN Pollution load of vegetable straw is 41. 16 g • kg-1, TP pollution load is 13. 56 g • kg-1. T