朱熹祭祀思想研究 1 朱熹祭祀思想研究内容摘要朱熹作为宋明理学的集大成者,他学说之宏大,条理之缜密,影响之深远是后世学者所无法企及的。朱熹所处的时代礼学遭到严重的破坏,而祭祀是儒家所重的礼仪、礼制中的重要组成部分,因此本文以朱熹的祭祀活动为切入点来研究他对儒家思想的继承与创新。首先简要对朱熹生活的时代背景进行介绍,因为一个人思想的形成必然和他生活的时代背景和社会现状相联系。其次,研究朱熹的祭祀思想首先要探究他的祭祀对象——鬼神。朱熹继承了孔子对鬼神的态度,但由于佛道盛行,朱熹不得不讨论对鬼神的看法,他提出了以“气化论”为基础的鬼神观,这有利的打击了佛教的轮回学说。但祭是礼的一环,鬼神落到祭祀实践中又需要和朱熹的“理”结合才能彰显儒家祭祀的内涵。接着对朱熹祭祀活动的核心——诚敬进行分析,首先说明了重视“诚敬”的原因, 接着介绍了朱熹的修养功夫——主敬学说,最后是通过与祭祀相连的“观卦”哲学内涵的发展来说明“诚敬”如何在祭祀中凸显出来的。最后,从朱熹祭祀思想的功能,阐发了朱熹由祭齐家——通过祭祖维护家庭团结、社会稳定;以祭正道——通过书院祭祀中道统观的确立和释奠仪的开展,实现了朱熹借书院祭祀来提升儒学的地位。朱熹的祭祀思想在鬼神观上有对佛道盛行的反击,在祭祀活动中对儒家修养功夫的重视,还有祭祀对社会稳定、传播儒学都发挥了重要的功能。关键词:祭祀;鬼神;诚敬;宗法;道统西南政法大学硕士学位论文 2 Abstract As an epitome of Neo-Confucianism, Chu Hsi has created a grand, meticulously organized theory casting a long shadow that is beyond the grasp of ers. Because of the serious destroyed of Confucianism in Chu Hsi’ time, and furthermore, Sacrifice is an important partial of Confucianism’s etiquette and the set of etiquette, the paper has focused on Chu Hsi’s inheritance and development of Confucianism based on the sacrificial practices of the first place,for formation of a thought has a closed relationship with the person life’s political, economic and its cultural, the paper has to give a brief observation of the era of Chu Hsi. Second, it is necessary to study Chu Hsi’s sacrificing object, said Ghosts,before his Sacrifice. The attitude to Ghosts of Chu Hsi has followed Confucius. However, at the time, Buddhism was popular and pelled Chu Hsi to discuss his own view on Ghosts. Then his concept of Ghost based on the theory on Qi Hua has been given, hit the Buddhist mete mpsychosis severely. From another point of view, because Sacrifice is a part of ritual, it is inevitable to combine Ghost, being carried out to the practice of Sacrifice, with Chu Hsi’s principle. Only in this way can the connotation of Confucian Sacrifice be manifested. Then, the core of Chu
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