1 Kuwait University College of Administrative Sciences Department of Economics MIGRATION REMITTANCES: POLICY OPTIONS FOR HOST AND COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN ( Final report of research project no. CC023) By EL-SAKKA . Dept. of Economics, Kuwait University. AKNOWLEDGEMENT 2 The author would like to thank the Research Administration of Kuwait University for generous funding of this study under the research project no. CC023. Without their financial support, this research would not be possible. MIGRATION REMITTANCES: POLICY OPTIONS FOR HOST AND COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN 1 By EL-SAKKA . Dept. of Economics, Kuwait University. 1- INTRODUCTION. There has been a shift in international migration patterns since the second world war, from permanent to temporary migration of workers. Temporary migration mainly consists of target ( economic ) emigrants who stay in the host country for a relatively short time to accumulate certain amount of savings and return home. The importance of remittances worldwide, asa factor e, have increased asa result, since savings of temporary emigrants will return to the country of origin anyway. Remittances are the proportions of emigrants' e that sent back home to the country of origin. Essentially remittances are private transfers of savings. The decision to remit, however, depends ona variety of variables. Besides the demographic characteristics of emigrants, ., age, sex, marital status, number of dependents, and links with family at the country of origin, the occupational status of emigrants is playing an important role in determining the amount of remittances sent home. Workers of low occupational status do not often take their families to the country of employment. Usually they are considered as 1- The author would like to thank the Research Administration of Kuwait University for generous funding of this study under the research project no. CC023. Without their financial support, this research would not be possible. 3 target emigrants who tend