假如是辞职去其余企业能够这么写Dear **老板的名字**As required by my contract of employment, i hereby give you **自己看你协议** weeks notice of my intention to leave my position as **你现在的职位**i have decided that it is time to move on and i have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration. However, i am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals i have for my career. please be assured that i will do all i can to assist in the smooth transfer of my responsibilities before leaving. i wish both you and **你现在的企业** every good fortune and i would like to thank you for having me as part of your ,署名短小,而且足够客气了
第一段写出自己辞职的心理(当然不一定是真的),你能够写部分客套的句子。比如经过多方面的考虑,我计划辞掉现在所从事的职位……,或因家中变故,我计划申请辞去我现在的工作。所以整个第一段能够这么写 尊敬的人力经理 您好! 经过深思熟虑地思索,我决定辞去我现在在企业所担任的职位,我知道这对于您来说,是很难以作决定的事情。 第二段说明您自己考虑的辞职的时间(尽管您提出辞职经企业同意后,企业的人力部将根据固定的离职日程办理离职手续,但这么说并不是画蛇添足,大多数情况下,你全部能够争取到提早离开的时间)。比如 我考虑在此辞呈递交以后的2—4周内离开企业,这么您将有时间去寻求适合人选,来填补因我离职而造成的空缺,同时我也能够帮助您对新人进行入职培训,使她立即熟悉工作。另外,假如您以为我在某个时间段内离职比较适合,不妨给我个提议或尽早通知我。 第三段说明您在这个企业里的经验积累,尽可能地去赞扬企业对您的栽培(不管您有多么大的委屈和生气,全部不
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