2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ö 第 26 卷第 8 期增刊仪器仪表学报 2005 年 8 月 基于 AVR D 智能检测系统的设计 王彩霞 (长春理工大学电子信息工程学院长春 130022) 摘要使用单片机A T 90S8515 D 智能检测系统, 给出了系统硬件电路原理框图和相应的软件设计方法, 并给 出了仿真实验结果。实践证明: CCD 和单片机相结合, 在功能、精度、可靠性上比传统传感器有较大提高, 不仅具有光电检测 的优点, 能够实现非接触在线检测, 而且具有实时性、准确性、智能化、灵敏度高以及标准输出等优点。 关键词 AV R D 光电检测 D esign ing of L inear D Intelligen tD etection System Based on the AVR Single-ch ip M puter W ang Caix ia (E lectronics and Inf orm ation E ng ineer D ep artm ent of Chang chun U niversity of S cience and T echnology , Chang chun 130022, Ch ina) Abstract It is introduced fo r a system w hich can realize the linear D’s intelligent detection w ho se m i crocontro ller is single chip m puter A T 90S8515. It gives the circuits diagram of the system and its m ethod of softw are designing. R unning show that no t only the function and p recision but also the reliability has an obvi ous imp rovem paring w ith the traditional pho toelectric senso r if D bined w ith single chip p ro cesso r. T he system designed has the advantages of non contact detection online, real time detection, high p reci sion, high intelligent, high sensitivity, standard output and so on. Key words AV R Single chip m puter Charge coup led device (CCD ) Pho toelectric detection 与传递功能。当对它施加特定时序的脉冲时, 其存储的 1 引言 D 内作定向传输而实现自扫描。它具有 体积小、分辨率高、稳定性能良好、抗电磁干扰等特 近年来, 随着微型计算机的发展, 特别是嵌入式高点[ 2 ] , 得以在工件尺寸检测、图像