Permit No
( 工单号 ):
Firewatcher Name :
( 看火人姓名 )
Date( 日期 ): :
编号 Checklist (现场检查表) Y N N/A
Have you ensured that all combustible materials within a 9m radius of the hot work have been
cleared away or rendered safety by the use of fire blankets if unable to remove?
确保工作现场 9 米内易燃物被清除走,如不能被移走,是否安全地被防火毯遮盖住?
Are all relevant drains are covered and sealed? 相关排放口是否盖住和封住 ?
Is the correct type of fire extinguisher from the “ fire watch store ” on site for immediately use?
Do you know how to activate it?
现场是否有从专用看火灭火箱取用的相应灭火器立即可用 ? 你知道如何使用吗 ?
Is a charged water hose available for immediate use on site if required?
如需要 , 现场是否备有已充水即用的水龙带 ?
Do you know where the nearest fire alarm station/telephone located , CCR emergency contact
是否知道就近的火灾报警站 /电话位置及中控室应急号码 6299/6252/6253 ?
Do you know how to use gas detector and is it function correctly? Gas detector is presented in
Zone 1 for continue monitoring or not ?
是否知道如何使用气体探测器 ? 气体探测器是否工作正常?一类危险区作业时是否有
Is a suitably size fire blanket available on site for containing sparks and welding splatter?
现场是否有合适尺寸的防火毯用来包围住火星 /飞溅 ?
Have you ensured that painting is being undertaken at least 15m from the hot work area ? 是否确保远离油漆作业至少 15 米?
Have you ensured no doubt about any aspect relative to the worksite/permit condition
是否确保对工单 /现场没有疑问?
Have you Confirmed what kind
看火人职责及现场检查单 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.