武汉工程大学本科毕业论文 I 摘要无权处分是民法领域的热点问题之一,王泽鉴先生曾形象地称其为“民法学上的精灵”和“法律思维的宝藏”。无权处分涉及权利人、无处分权人和相对人三方利益关系,并与善意取得制度和权利瑕疵担保等制度紧密相连。统一无权处分的概念和认定无权处分的效力对实现三方利益的平衡有着重要的意义。我国秉承大陆法系优良传统,但相比其他国家而言,我国对无权处分问题的立法研究相对滞后,我国在相当长的一段时期内,没有关于无权处分的明确立法规定。直至《中华人民共和国合同法》颁布,这一现象才得以改观。但(( 合同法》第 51条关于无权处分的规定并没有从根本上解决我国无权处分的适用问题,反而造成了概念的模糊和法律适用的冲突,使问题更加复杂。如果不能妥善和有效地解决我国无权处分制度所面临的理论和现实问题,势必更大程度上造成法律体系的矛盾和价值利益的不平衡。无权处分制度在平衡无权处分人、权利人和第三人利益方面,发挥着巨大的作用,市场经济越发达,无权处分现象就越常见。基于无权处分研究的重大意义,反观我国无权处分制度的立法缺陷,构建科学的无权处分制度已经迫在眉睫。在此篇论文中,笔者以物权变动模式为前提,阐述了无权处分的概念、特征和要素,深入分析了无权处分合同的效力,并反思了我国无权处分制度的立法缺陷,最后提出了构建我国科学的无权处分制度的若干建议。关键词: 无权处分行为;物权变动;效力待定;债权形式主义武汉工程大学本科毕业论文 II A bstract Abstract Unauthorized Disposition isone of the hot issues in civil law field. It is called “ the spirit in law ” and “ the treasure of law thinking ”by Wang Zejian. Unauthorized Disposition involves three aspects ’ interest relationship: obligee, people with unauthorized disposition and counterpart and it is closely related to the acquisition system and warranty against right defect system. Unifying the conception of unauthorized distribution and recognizing the efficacy of unauthorized disposition is very important to realize the balance of three aspects ’ interests. Adhering to the traditional mainland legal system, the legislative studies about unauthorized disposition in China lags pared to other countries. There are no specific legislations about unauthorized disposition in China for a very long time. This situation gets improved until the publishing of The PRC Contract Law . But ( Contract Law ) the article 51 about unauthorized disposition regulations donot fundamentally solve our country ’s suitable problems in unauthorized disposition ,but they cause the obscureness of concept and the conflict of legal application and make problems plex. If the theoretical and practical problems in unauthorized disposition can ’tbe solved properly and effectively, it would results in further contract contradiction and imbalance in value and benefits. The un
(参考)论无权处分的立法现状及其完善 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.