关键词: 黄骅港 , 航道,回淤规律 , 回淤量
Abstract: three of the waterway back silting the bottleneck of restricting for port development for many years, scientific research institutes all over the country to the scientific research channel three, through a large number of observation and data model of the research, the three renovation and dredging the way of combination of the consensus of experts and scholars into you, 2005 years after the end of the waterway regulation of tracking channel back silting law becomes the most important task, in this article, through a large number of observation data and experts demonstrates by my practical work of the experience to work out a complete end of 2011 channel after the completion of the channel of the three year normal back silting for the future of waterway dredging construction to provide the theory basis.
Keywords: three, channel, back silting rules, and back silting quantity
中图分类号:TU74文献标识码:A 文章编号:
黄骅港是我国西煤东运的第二大通道的出海口,与神木煤炭、朔黄铁路等构成一个新型能源开发的系统工程;黄骅港航道,是在自然条件很差的淤泥质海岸开挖的人工航道,海岸坡度缓(‰~‰), km, km、外航道40 km,设计底宽200 m(局部210 m),底标高- m米(局部- m)。从自然条件、泥沙来源、泥沙特性、泥沙淤积形态、航道淤积规律等方面分析,外航道产生淤积的原因主要是由于航道两侧滩面泥沙运动造成的。室内实验和现场测验均表明大浪时外航道的泥沙运移形态有悬移质、底层高浓度悬移质和推移质三种方式,前两种的输沙约占70%,而大浪时外航道的强淤,则主要是底层高浓度悬移质和推移质,即下层泥沙的运移沉积所致,主要的淤积发生在外航道,一般天气情况下外航道淤积很少,占总淤积量的比重很小,主要淤积发生在特殊大风天气,目前黄骅港W10+5以里被防沙堤锁掩护,航道两侧的滩面泥沙在风浪作用下易掀动悬浮,并在潮流作用下移动,形成浅海区高浓度含沙水体并在水动力减弱的部位落淤,导致航道新口(W7+0
李国江:工程师 黄骅港务公司航道部主管航道疏浚施工 电话:0317-5388595
自2008年1月11日22:00起至12日9:00止,风向为ENE向转NE向转NNE向,其中ENE向风2 h,NE向风9 h,NNE向风1小时,大风过程总历时12 h,且均为6级风速,,从大风能量讲为每年一遇大风,但在NE向这一造成淤积的主风向上是2007年大风季节以来的第一次,距离上一次经历东北向大
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