VOL. 82, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2004
CONTROVERSY: ENDOMETRIAL BIOPSY Copyright ©2004 American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Published by Elsevier Inc.
AND INFERTILITY STATUS? Printed on acid-free paper in .
Histological dating of timed endometrial
Received December 3,
2003; revised and biopsy tissue is not related to fertility
accepted March 29, 2004.
Supported by National status
Institutes of Health/National
Institute of Child Health and
Human Development (NIH/
a b,k
NICHD) grants U10 Christos Coutifaris, ., ., Evan R. Myers, ., .,
HD27049 (.), U01 David S. Guzick, ., .,c Michael P. Diamond, .,d Sandra A. Carson, .,e
HD38997 (.), U10 f g
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