对于隐喻本身的界定,厘清隐喻和明喻、换喻的内涵,探寻隐喻和真、思、美之间的关系,是展开博尔赫斯诗歌隐喻研究的理论前提。下面是xx带来的中国古诗英文翻译,欢迎阅读! 中国古诗英文翻译精选 诗经--国风·卫风·芄兰 芄兰之支。 童子佩觿。 虽则佩觿。 能不我知。 容兮遂兮。 垂带悸兮。 芄兰之叶。 童子佩韘。 虽则佩韘。 能不我甲。 容兮遂兮。 垂带悸兮。 A Widow The creeepers grow in pairs; The youth a girdle wears. What girdle he may wear, For me he does not care. With ease he goes away; My heart throbs to see his sash sway. The leaves of creepers swing; The youth wears archer's ring. He wears a ring with glee. Will he make love with me? With ease he goes away; My heart throbs to see his sash sway. 中国古诗英文翻译阅读 诗经--国风·卫风·氓 氓之蚩蚩,抱布贸丝。 匪来贸丝,来即我谋。 送子涉淇,至于顿丘。 匪我愆期,子无良媒。 将子无怒,秋认为期。 乘彼垝垣,以望复关。 不见复关,泣涕涟涟。 既见复关,载笑载言。 尔卜尔筮,体无咎言。 以尔车来,以我贿迁。 桑之未落,其叶沃若。 于嗟鸠兮,无食桑葚! 于嗟女兮,无和士耽! 士之耽兮,犹可说也; 女之耽兮,不可说也。 桑之落矣,其黄而陨。 自我徂尔,三岁食贫。 淇水汤汤,渐车帷裳。 女也不爽,士贰其行。 士也罔极,二三其德! 三岁为妇,靡室劳矣。 夙兴夜寐,靡有朝矣! 言既遂矣,至于暴矣。 弟兄不知,咥其笑矣。 静言思之,躬自悼矣! 及尔偕老,老使我怨。 淇则有岸,隰则有泮。 总角之宴,言笑晏晏。 信誓旦旦,不思其反。 反是不思,亦已焉哉! A Simple Fellow A simple fellow, all smiles, Brought cloth to exchange for thread, Not in truth to buy thread But to arrange about me. I saw you across the Qi As far as Dunqiu; It was not I who wanted to put it off, But you did not have a proper matchmaker. I begged you no