阅读优异的英语文摘 我们学习英语的过程中是一定不能够偷懒的,学习英语是要持之以恒 的,只要我们多多看部分英语,因此xx今天给大家整理了英语的文摘,大家快 点学习起来,才会更加快的提升英语成绩哦,有需要的同学能够收藏起来哦, 杂草为何轻易重生 Why Crabgrass Always Wins at Monopoly 杂草为何轻易重生 Crabgrass is an ugly, obnoxious weed that is the scourge of the perfect lawn and its perfectionist gardener. Along with being an eyesore, it’s also responsible for a substantial amount of crop loss on commercial farms. 杂草丑陋而令人生厌。是整齐的草坪和崇尚完美主义园丁的祸患。除 了难看之外,它还要为商业农场农作物收成大量受损负担责任。
Weeding Out Competition 淘汰竞争 Common wisdom says that crabgrass is hard to get rid of because it crowds out the plants around it, and does not allow them to get enough space and nutrients. However, scientists have long wondered if crabgrass dominates your lawn’s real estate by using a technique called allelopathy. This literally means “others suffering,” and occurs when a plant harms another by emitting toxic substances into the environment, usually through the soil. 根据常理,这种杂草极难根除是因为它排挤周围的植物使得它们没有 充分的生长空间和养料。然而,科学家们一直想知道,这种杂草是否经过使用一 种名为植化相克的方法支配你家草坪的居住权。这个术语字面上的意思是"非我 族类,连根清除"。当某种植物经过释放有毒物质到环境中(通常经过土壤)来伤害 其它植物时,这种现象就在发生。
Researchers from Nankai University, China Agricultural University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences all found that crabgrass uses this method of “weeding out” neighboring plants. 来自南开大学,中国农业大学,和中国科学院的研究人员全部发觉这种 杂草使用这个方法清除周围的植物。In their experiment, researchers isolated three chemical
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