有关优美的英文诗词朗诵 有关优美的英文诗词朗诵 有关优美的英文诗词篇一 浣溪沙 欧阳修 堤上游人逐画船,拍堤春水四垂天。绿杨楼外出秋千。 白发戴花君莫笑,六幺催拍盏频传。人生何处似尊前! Silk-Washing Stream Ouyang Xiu With painted boats along the shore sightseers vie; The sky hangs low on four sides washed by waves of spring. Green willows throw a swing Out of the bower high. Do not laugh at the white hair adorned with red flowers! To the quick beat of the song of Green Waist Wine cups are passed in haste. Where can you find a happier life than drinking hours 有关优美的英文诗词篇二 浪淘沙 欧阳修 把酒祝东风,且共从容,垂杨紫陌洛城东。总是当初携手处,游遍芳 丛。 聚散苦急忙,此恨无穷。今年花胜去年红。可惜明年花更加好,知和谁 同 Sand-Sifting Waves Ouyang XiuWine cup in hand, I drink to the eastern breeze: Let us enjoy with ease! On the violet pathways Green with willows east of the capital, We used to stroll hand in hand in bygone days, Rambling past flower shrubs one and all. In haste to meet and part Would ever break the heart. Flowers this year Redder than last appear. Next year more beautiful they"ll be. But who will enjoy them with me 有