
2021年经典英语励志名言警句 英语名言警句励志.docx

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经典英语励志名言警句 经典英语励志名言警句 1、草烂难捆绑,心懒无药方。
  Grass lousy hard bound, lazy heart without a prescription. 2、一无全部,就是拼的理由。
  Nothing at all, is the reason why spell. 3、经验是由痛苦中粹取出来的。
  The experience takes out by the essence of pain. 4、毅力能够征服任何一座高峰。
  Willpower can conquer any peak. 5、抓住每个细节,不犯一样错误。
  At every detail, don"t make the same mistake. 6、道德是永远的,财富是临时的。
  Morality is eternal, wealth is temporary. 7、财富不是好友,而好友却是财富。
  Wealth is not friends, but friends are wealth. 8、贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。
  In and difficult to insist on, insist on. 9、通常自强不息者,最终全部会成功。
  Whenever an unyielding person, will eventually succeed. 10、因为有明天,今天永远只是起跑线。Because tomorrow, today forever just starting line. 11、未跌过未识做人,不会哭未算幸运。
  Did not fall, has not been unknown person cry not lucky. 12、从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。
  From the outside to break is the pressure, from within the break is growth. 13、一勤天下无难事,一懒天下皆难事。
  A frequently difficult all over the world, a lazy world is hard. 14、我努力,我坚持,我就一定能成功。
  I work hard, I insist, I can make it. 15、生命必需有目标,人生必需有意义。
  Life must have goals, life must be meaningful. 16、在你成功前,不要认为自己无所不能。
  Before you succeed, don"t think you can do anything. 17、和大多数人保持一致,不要锋芒太露。
  Consistent with most people, don"t be too open. 18、心中有多出色,你的世界就有多出色! How exciting in the heart, your world is more fascinating! 19、最困难的时候,就是最靠近成功的时候。
  The most difficult ti

2021年经典英语励志名言警句 英语名言警句励志 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数5
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  • 上传人业精于勤
  • 文件大小17 KB
  • 时间2021-04-02