Classified Index: CODE: 1 0075 .: NO: 20100284 A Dissertation for the Degree of Legal Study of the Dispute in Small Property Right House Contracts Candidate: Liu Sijie Supervisor: Professor Liu Zhigang Professor Liang Hongji Academic De gree Applied for: Juris Master Specialty: Juris Master (Law ) University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June 2012 摘要 I 摘要 2009 年 6 月 24 日,随着北京市第二中级法院做出的终审判决,历时近 3 年的通州宋庄画家村农民房买卖第一案终于落下了帷幕。正是这样一个案件,把小产权房的概念带入了人们的视野,并迅速引起了全社会的普遍关注。众所周知,在我国经济发展速度不断提升的同时,城市房价也随之高涨,让越来越多的工薪阶级望尘莫及,而对于传统思想根深蒂固的中国人来说,房子又是生活中必不可少的物质基础。因此,越来越多的人们把目光转向了价格低廉的小产权房。小产权房本质上是在农村集体土地上建设的房屋,其流转是为国家法律与政策所禁止的。小产权房有其本身的优越性,符合供求双方的价值追求,因而在现实生活中小产权房买卖的实例数不胜数。但同时也必须看到,由于小产权房不具备房屋买卖的基础要件, 不能办理相关手续, 出卖人卖出后因为土地升值或拆迁等因素而违背诚实信用原则, 最终以主张合同无效为由要求解除合同,引起当事人间纷争的实例也层出不穷。由于目前国家并没有明确的如何处理此类案件的规定,但为了定纷止争,案结事了,真正解决纠纷,协调国家政策与当事人意思自治间的关系,我们有必要追根溯源,分析合同纠纷产生的原因,从而找到合理解决纠纷的方法。本文将从北京宋庄画家村农民房买卖一案入手,分析小产权房的性质与范围,对本案中涉及的小产权房买卖合同的效力、物权变动及缔约过程中的诚实信用原则进行分析,寻找小产权房买卖合同纠纷产生的原因,同时考虑到我国小产权房买卖屡禁不止的现状,提出应适当尊重当事人意思自治原则,承认一部分买卖合同的效力,从而保证土地灵活流转,实现土地资源合理配置,促进全社会协调发展。关键词: 小产权房合同效力物权变动诚实信用意思自治 Abstract II Abstract June 24, 2009, with the final judgment made by Beijing's Second Intermediate People's Court, the first farmer’s house trading cas e in Tongzhou Songzhuang, which have lasted nearly three years long, finally came to a clos e,. This case brings the concept of the small property right house into people’ s vision, and quickly aroused th e universal concern of the whole society. As is known to everyone, wh ile the high-speed developmen t of China’s economic, the prices of city house are also heightening, whic h make a lot of working-class couldn’t afford. But for Chinese, house is the essential material basis for life. So, more and more individuals turn their mind to the cheaper small property right house. Essentially, the small property right house is th e construction built in the rural collective land, it cir
小产权房合同纠纷之法理的研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.