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浅议深圳会展专业人才培养.doc摘要:在良好的政策和产业环境支持下,深圳会展业迅 速崛起并带动的大量的专业人才需求。然而目前各种会 展行业
人才培训仍处于初级阶段,培养目标不明确;所培养人 才不能很好地满足行业需求。本文就会展专业人才分类 和会展专
业人才的分层次培养两方面,阐述深圳会展人才的教育 和培养应采取大学本科、大专、中职学历教育与短期培 训并举的
原则,只有一大批不同类型不同层次专业人才共同参 与,这个产业才能得到更好的快速发展。
Abstract: With the support of good policies and industry environment,Shenzhen exhibition industry emerged and developed rapidly,and raised a large number of demands for ,various trainings provided at present are still at a primary stage,and the objective is indeterminate ;thus personnel trained are unable to
well meet the the classification of exhibition personnel to their various levels of training,this
essay discusses that we should provide various levels of training simultaneously:undergraduate courses in universities,courses in technical institutes,secondary technical schools,and short-term training if a large number of different kinds of specialized personnel of different levels participate in together,this industry could grow faster and better.
Key words: Shenzhen,exhibition,talent development Internet 检索:/ 浅议深圳会展专业人才培养
Discussion on Shenzhen Exhibition
Talent Development
2007年深圳市政府发布的一号文件《关于加快我 市高端服务业发展的若干意见》中,品牌会展列入了 深圳市发展高端服务业的一个战略重点。在良好的政 策和产业环境支持下,深圳会展业伴随着我国改革 开放的深入,依托深圳经济的飞速发展而迅速崛起, 可谓长袖善舞,形成了寸比具有“国际化”的品牌会 展:高交会、文博会、礼品展、家具展……办展质 量、规模上均居全国领先地位。近年来在行业发展对 专业会展人才需求趋旺的刺激下,已经有高等院

浅议深圳会展专业人才培养 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数4
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  • 上传人sssmppp
  • 文件大小64 KB
  • 时间2021-04-04