两种不同自控镇痛方法应用于开胸手术病人的临床观察两种不同自控镇痛方法应用于开胸手术病人的临床观察唐涛岳彬( 大连市友谊医院麻醉科 116001) [摘要] 160 例开胸手术病人,随机分为病人硬膜外自控镇痛( PCEA )和静脉自控镇痛( PCIA) 两组,两组病人配方分别如下:( PCIA )组:芬太尼 20μ g/kg 、曲马多 6mg / kg ,昂丹司琼 16mg 加生理盐水至 100ml ,( PCEA) 组 % 罗哌卡因 200ml 。术后用镇痛泵进行自控镇痛, 并观察记录镇痛与镇静评分、病人呼吸和血压变化、恶心呕吐发生率、术后 24h 自控镇痛的满意度. 结果两组各项观察指标除恶心呕吐发生率以外均无显著差异( P>0 .05 )。、有效的镇痛方法, 病人硬膜外自控镇痛术和病人静脉自控镇痛术的镇痛效果和镇静水平相当, 但是恶心呕吐的发生率显著降低, 同时有利于病人术后排痰,可根据手术病人的情况选用一种自控镇痛方法。[关键词]硬膜外自控镇痛;病人自控镇痛;开胸手术 The effects of two kinds of patient-controlled analgesia in patients with thoracic surgery Tang tao,Yue Lian Friendship Hospital. [Abstract] Objective To observe the effects of two kinds of patient-controlled analgesia in patients with thoracic surgery. Methods 160 cases of patients with thoracic surgery were randomly divided into groups patient-controlled epidural analgesia(PCEA) group and patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA)group. (PCIA):Fentanyl 20μ g/kg plus tramadol 6mg/kg plus ondansetron16mg to 100ml with normal saline. (PCEA):% Ropivacaine 200ml. All the cases were given patient-controlled analgesia after thoracic surgery. Pain and sedation scores 、 blood pressure and respiration 、 nausea and vomiting 、 satisfactions of 24h Patient-controlled analgesia(PCIA) were recorded. Results The analgesia effect of Tramadol were no statistically differen