朗阁托福培训丨新托福综合写作评分标准解读 也许很多考生了解新托福听力、 阅读的评分标准, 但其实对于阅卷老师在写作模块到底怎么评分很是陌生。殊不知,对写作评分标准了解不够会影响到写作的目的性以及最后的成绩。 何为目的性?海外留学考试种类很多,雅思、新托福、 GRE 、 GMAT 、 SAT 等,每项考试对于写作的要求都是不一样的, 然而很多新托福考生凭主观臆断写作要想拿高分就要词汇高 深、句法复杂,实际情况却是 ETS 没那么在意词句的高难度,而是最在意内容信息传递的清晰度和逻辑性。当考生不了解时, 就会把功夫花错地方,做了过多的无用功,造成吃力不讨好, 成绩遇到瓶颈,怎么也提高不了的情况。为了帮助考生们更有针对性地拿分,接下来朗阁 托福培训 中心的名师将对新托福综合写作评分细则做细致的分析。 以下是官方给出的综合写作 5 分、 4 分、 3 分的评分标准。 分标准: A response at this level: successfully selects the important information from the lecture; and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading; well organized; occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections. 分标准: A response at this level: is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content
have minor from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading. A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more t