摘要:建筑外悬挑脚手架一次悬挑高度不但要计算自身的刚度,强度和稳定性要求,还要计算考虑悬挑型钢梁的支 承结构强度和刚度条件。通过一个具体的工程实例,依据正常使用条件下的安全计算方法,表明悬挑脚手架一次悬 挑高度主要受支承结构一外框架梁刚度和强度的限制。
中图分类号:TU731. 2 文献标志码:A
The Study for a High Degree of Cantilever Scaffold
CHEN Pei-run1, YANG Xiao-hua2
(1. HUNAN ZHONGTIAN Construction Group Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou 412000, China)
(2. School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412008, China)
Abstract: For a high degree of cantilever scaffold outside the building, the stiffness, strength and stability of scaffold should not only be calculated, but the stiffness and strength of supporting structure for cantilevered steel beam also be considered. According to safety calculation for a example of a project in the normal use conditions, it is showed that the stiffness and strength of supporting structure, a framework beam, are limited the high degree of cantilever scaffold.
Key words: scaffold; a high degree of cantilever scaffold; safety calculation
扣件式钢管脚手架是目前我国使用最为广泛一种外墙脚手架、模板支架搭设方式,在今后的较 长一段时间内,仍将大量采用。JGJ130-2001《建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范》针对 外墙脚手架和模板支架,要求对大、小横杆的强度,刚度,扣件的抗滑移力,立杆的稳定性以及连 墙件的强度、刚度、地基承载力等进行验算。除此之外,当采用分段卸荷的悬挑式脚手架时尚应进 行悬挑梁的强度,整体稳定性和支杆、拉绳的强度、刚度验算;当进行墙、梁、柱的模板支撑架计 算时,尚应进行模板面板及内外楞、拉结螺栓的强度刚度验算。当模板支架的高度、跨度超过一定 限值采用门架、型钢等其他类型脚手架时,也应按其传力途径,进行完整的分析计算。
对悬挑脚手架一次悬挑高度的探讨 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.