基于ZigBee的RS485硬件设计论文.docx摘要 当今时代,是一个信息化时代,信息的沟通能力是信息技术发达与否的首要体现。人 工智能仪表读取、无线楼宇监控、工业控制及监测……等等,这些现代化技术均需要信息 沟通智能化的技术支持。当中,传感技术是信息沟通的最基本的技术。 本设计完成了利用单片机CC2530实现Zigbee接口与RS485接口的通讯转换,为RS485 接口与Zigbee无线通讯的协议转换提供硬件电路支持,并且其通讯过程采用光耦隔离式 通信,以便因某一部分电路发生故障的时候能够保护通讯模块,从而节省成本损耗。同时 考虑各个接口及单片机工作所需要的电源电路,完成RS485接口与Zigbee接口协议的转 换模块硬件设计。基于Zigbee技术的无线传感器网络应用在Zigbee联盟和IEEE 802. 组织的推动下,结合其他无线技术可以实现无处不在的网络,这正是本次设计采用Zigbee 无线网络的原因。 关键词:Zigbee无线网络;CC2530;光耦隔离;RS485 Abstract Today is an era of information communication. Communication skills of IT is the first embodiment whether information technology developed or not. Al meter reading, wireless building control, industrial control and monitoring etc. These modern information communication technologies require intelligent technical support. Among them, the sensor technology is the most basic of information communication technology. The purpose of this design is that the use of single-chip CC2530 ZigBee interface with the RS485 interface communication switch, supported by the hardware circuit for RS485 interface with Zigbee wireless communication protocol conversion, optocoupler isolated communication and the communication process, in order due to the failure of a part of the circuit when able to protect the communication module, thus saving the cost of losses. Power circuit, taking into account the various interfaces and microcontroller needed for the work to complete the RS485 interface and the the ZigBee interface protocol conversion module hardware design. Based on the Zigbee Alliance and IEEE 802. 15. 4 organizations to promote, the the Zigbee technology of wireless sensor network applications, combined with other wireless technologies can achieve ubiquitous network, which is the design of Zigbee wireless network reasons. Keywords: Zigbee wireless network;CC2530;optocoupler isolated;RS485 摘要 I Abstract I I 第1章绪论 1 Zigbee无线网络技术的研究背景 1 2目前ZigBee的发展状况和前景 1 2 4 本章小结 2 第2章zigbee无线网络原理 3 1 Zigbee主要通信硬件介绍 3 1. 1光耦器件6N136芯片 3