毕业设计与论文(基于ASP的网上书店系统).docx电子商务是利用现代信息网络进行商务活动的一种先进手段,作为创新的经 济运行方式,其影响已经远远超过商业领域。与此同时,数据挖掘技术也在逐渐 成为了是一种新的商业信息分析技术,并在电子商务领域中大量地运用起来。 本系统是采用ASP作为前台开发工具,Microsoft Access作为后台数据库 平台的基于B/S的两层模式的管理系统。旨在实现网上书店系统的设计目标、系 统需求和总体设计方案,较详细的论述了网上书店系统的详细设计和实现。最后, 本文对网上书店系统进行了总结并提出了还需要改进的问题。 Server对数据库加以管理与维护、如何借助于IIS (Internet Information Server)在网上进行信息发布、对系统性能进行优化等。另外,为了增强系统的实 用性,使之能尽量与实际的应用系统相吻合,并在此基础上加入了数据挖掘功能 对书本出售记录的分析,以便从交易项目的内容中发现有价值的信息或知识。CSS 技术,CSS样式可以更加灵活并更好地控制页面外观,从精确的布局定位到特定的 字体和文字样式等。与HTML标签样式不同,如果对CSS样式的定义进行了修改, 则站点中所有应用了该样式的文件都会自动发生改变。 系统主要包括以下几个模块:登录模块,图书信息管理,在线销售管理,查 询订购信息模块和管理员模块。其中登录模块又包括登录客户子模块和新客户注 册子模块;图书信息管理模块又包括图书展示子模块和图书搜索子模块;在线销 售管理又包括放入购物篮子模块,显示购物篮子模块,确认购物篮子模块,删除 购物篮子模块和生成订单子模块;查询订购信息模块又包括每次购书订单管理和 预订图书信息管理;管理员模块又包括增加图书信息管理和删除图书信息管理等。 关键词:购物篮,B/S 结构,ASP, Microsoft Access, IIS, CSS 样式 Abstract Electronic Commerce is a kind of advanced business affairs, which recurs to modern information network. As an innovative economic mode, its influence has greatly preponderated over the domain of business. At the same time, Data Mining technique is becoming a new technique of commercial information analysis gradually, and is largely used in the domain of Electronic Commerce. Electronic Commerce is a kind of advanced business affairs, which recurs to modern information network. As an innovative economic mode, its influence has greatly preponderated over the domain of business. At the same time, Data Mining technique is becoming a new technique of commercial information analysis gradually, and is largely used in the domain of Electronic Commerce. This system is using Asp as the proscenium development tool, and Microsoft Access is as three layers of management system of model baseding on B/S of backstage supporter's data base terrace. Based on them, particularly analyzes system design and solution in detail. At last, the summary and future development of On Bookstore System is offered. Does Server manage and the maintenance to the database, how draws support IIS (Internet Information Ser