毕业设计(论文)-基于PLC的加热炉压力控制系统.docx内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书(毕业论文) 题 目:基于PLC的加热炉压力 控制系统 学生姓名: 学 号:0867112319 专 业:测控技术与仪器 班 级:测控2008-3 指导教师: 基于PLC的加热炉压力控制系统设计 摘要 加热炉是冶金工业生产中主要的过程设备,其自动控制策略是过程控制领域内的一 个重要的研究方向。为了使自动控制系统能够确保钢坯的加热质量、保证加热炉安全、 高效的运行,必须设计一个切实可行的炉膛压力、煤气总管压力以及空气总管压力的控 制方案。 本文在查阅相关文献资料的基础上,以冶金企业的加热炉控制系统为研究对象,应 用过程控制理论及PLC技术,根据加热炉正常运行的特点,设计了基于PLC的加热炉压 力控制系统。论文首先介绍了加热炉生产工艺及现状、根据工艺要求,着重介绍了加热 炉的压力控制系统的设计。然后,对控制系统中所使用的下位机PLC和编程软件STEP7 的功能和特点做了详细描述,并对I/O资源进行了分配,在控制系统软件平台上编制了 具体的控制程序。最后,利用组态软件设计了上位机人机交互界面,对加热炉压力控制 系统进行监控。经过理论分析,本系统采用的控制策略可满足生产要求,并能保证加热 炉合理经济燃烧以及安全稳定运行。 关键词:加热炉;PLC;压力控制;组态 PLC based furnace pressure control system design Abstract The furnace is a metallurgical industrial production process equipment, automatic control strategy is an important research direction in the field of process control. To make the automatic control system to ensure that the billet heating quality, to ensure the furnace safe, efficient operation, we must devise a feasible chamber pressure, gas mains pressure and air mains pressure control program. Access to relevant documents on the basis of the metallurgical enterprises of the furnace control system for the study, application of process control theory and PLC technology design characteristics of the normal operation of the furnace, the furnace pressure control system based on PLC. The paper first introduces the furnace production process and the status quo, and focuses on the design of the furnace pressure control system according to process requirements. Then, the control system by the use of lower machine PLC programming software STEP7 function and characteristics described in detail as well as I / O resources, carry out the allocation of the specific design of the control system software platform, which carried out the programming work. Finally, the furnace pressure control on the design of control systems using the PC configuration screen monitor. Through theoretical analysis, this system uses a control strategy to meet production requirements,