毕业设计(论文)-对采煤工作面压力检测系统的探讨.docx提供各专业毕业论文 ,每受取以工大拳 本科毕业设计说明书 对采煤工作面压力检测系统的探讨 ON THE COAL FACE OF PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM 学院(部):学气与信息工程学院 专业班级: 自动化07—5 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011年 6月1日 对采煤工作面压力检测系统的探讨 摘要 近年来,煤矿开采过程中频繁发生重大安全事故,在各类煤矿事故中,顶板事故仍 属前位。随着生产能力的提高,开采强度的增大和向深部开采转移,顶板安全等问题越 来越凸现。主要体现三个方面:一是以锚杆支护为主要形式的巷道稳定性,二是超前支 承压力影响范围,三是回采工作面支护稳定性和安全性。我国几乎所有煤矿都面临开采 顶板安全问题,而这些问题往往由于局限于相对落后的监测手段和信息处理技术而被忽 略,这是顶板管理不到位的主要原因。因此,若能充分利用网络资源,建立“基于以太 网技术矿山顶板安全监测系统”利用实时监测的压力数据进行数据拟合,找出压力变化 规律,可更好地预防顶板事故,对煤矿安全生产必将起到一定的作用。 本课题研究了通过一种新型的测量精度高、待机时间长、通信简便、价格适中、操 作方便、工作性能优良的便携式煤矿压力观测设备。再在此基础上充分利用网络资源, 建立“基于以太网技术矿山顶板安全监测系统”,利用实时监测的压力数据进行数据拟 合,找出压力变化规律。 关键词:煤炭开采,压力,监测 ON THE COAL FACE OF PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM ABSTRACT In recent years, coal mining process of major accidents occur frequently in various types of coal mine accidents, the roof is still before the accident place. With the production capacity, increasing the intensity of mining and deep mining to transfer more and more apparent roof safety issues. Mainly reflected in three aspects: First, bolting roadway as the main form, the second is the scope of abutment pressure and the third is mining face support stability and security. Almost all coal mines in China are facing roof mining safety, and these problems are often confined to the relatively backward as monitoring tools and information processing technology are ignored, it is not in place management of the main roof. Therefore, if full use of network resources, the establishment of "Mine Roof Ethernet technology based safety monitoring system" using real-time monitoring of the pressure of the data fitting to find the pressure variation, can better prevent roof accident on Coal Mine Safety production will play a role. This research through a new high accuracy, long standby time, communication is simple, affordable, easy to operate, excellent performance, portable mine pressure observation equipment. On this basis, then full use of network resources, the establishment of "Ethernet-based Mine Roof