基于SPSS统计分析的高校图书馆图书最优复本率研究.doc基于SPSS统计分析的高校图书馆图书最优复本率研 究 [摘 要]为了合理配置高校图书馆的图书复本 量,本文借助SPSS软件中的相关分析和回归分析方法, 实现了图书复本率主要影响因子的选定,构建了复本 率的线性回归模型。同时,以北京工商大学图书馆经 济类图书为例,验证了复本率的线性回归模型,预测 了该校2014-2015学年经济类图书复本率,为该校图 书采购部门提供采购借鉴。 [关键词]高校图书馆;复本率;相关分析;线性回 归;SPSS [中图分类号] [文献标识码]A 文章 编号:1671-0037 (2015) 05-80-3 The Book Best Duplicate Rate Research in the University Library Based on SPSS Based on the Library of Beijing Technology and Business University Zai Jiaojiao (Library of Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048) Abstract: Aiming to determine a reasonable amount of the book copies, with the help of correlation analysis and regression analysis in SPSS, this paper realized the selection of major impact factor and constructed linear regression model of the duplicate rate. Meanwhile the linear regression model of the duplicate rate was verified based on the economic books in library of Beijing Technology and Business University. Moreover, the duplicate rate of the economic books in 2014-2015 of this university can be estimated, and the result can provide reference for this university7 s books procurement. Keywords: university library; duplicate rate; correlation analysis; linear regression. 复本率作为衡量读者需求程度的指标,直接影响 图书馆藏书的利用情况和读者服务工作的质量。在经 费一定的情况下,过低的复本率会增加读者的等待时 间,提高图书的拒借率;过高的复本率则会缩小图书馆 藏书范围,延长图书的滞架时间[1]。因此,如何合理 确定复本率成为我国高校图书馆馆藏建设中亟待解决 的难题。然而,在现有高校图书馆的运行过程中,图 书复本率通常只是根据图书馆工作人员的相关工